у меня есть цель в жизни
помогите пожалуйста сделать эти задания: ВСТАВИТЬ АРТИКЛИ the, a, an,где они нужны:. 1. --- banana is yellow. 2. Are - snakes animals? 3/ I don't like --- cows, but i like --- milk. 4. Have you got --- cigarette? No, i haven't. 5. we always need --- money. 6, --- witfords live in --- Great Britain. 7.when kim comes to --- office on --- monday mornings, she always sees -- one new man. ГДЕ ДОПУЩЕНЫ ОШИБКИ: 1. mary doesn't have some english books. 2. mary never hasn't any english books. 3. has mary any english books? 4. mary doesn't have any any english books. ГДЕ НЕТ ОШИБОК в употреблении предлогов: 1. we both in the same office in moscow. 2. we can arrive in warsaw at 8 in the evning. 3. do you come to the university by bus or do you walk? НАПИСАТЬ СООТВЕТСТВУЮЩИЕ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ MANY, MUCH, FEW, LITTLEВ СООТВЕТСТВУЮЩЕЙ СТЕПЕНИ СРАВНЕНИЯ: do you know how --- words east europeans, who speak slavonic languages, use a day? children 6-12 years old use the --- words - about 14000. their fathers use --- words 11000. theit mothers --- than fathers; about 12500 and their teenage brothers and sisters use the--- number - 8700. ВПИСАТЬ УКАЗАТЕЛЬНЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ this, these, that, those^ 1. --- boots like nice but they aren't my size. give me the black ones, please. 2. who was --- man? 3. do you remember --- students from spain we met in britain last year? ВПИСАТЬ ЧЕТЫРЕ ОБОРОТА В СООТВЕТСТВУЮЩЕЙ ФОРМЕ it is, it was, there is, there are, there was, there were: 1. --- not far from helsinki? 2/ --- warm tomorrow. 3.--- over 30000 words in the slavonic languages. 4. --- cold yesterday? НАПИСАТЬ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ В ПРОШЕДШЕМ ВРЕМЕНИ: 1. which parts can we divide the world into? 2. into continents and islands, into states and nations. 3. also into finger-users,fork users and chopsticks users. 4. why people fall into these 3 categories in a mystery. 5. however it is quite true. НАПИСАТЬ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ В БУДУЩЕМ ВРЕМЕНИ: 1. it means that they outnumber fork users 2 to 1. 2. finger users predominate in much of africa. 3. to the way 3 centuries ago, most of western europeans still used fingers and thought of the fork, which came from the east as a decadent things.
1. we both in the same office in moscow
3.do you come to the university by bus or do you walk?
do you know how many words east europeans, who speak slavonic languages, use a day? children 6-12 years old use the most words - about 14000. their fathers use less words 11000. theit mothers more than fathers; about 12500 and their teenage brothers and sisters use the least number - 8700.
1.These boots like nice but they aren't my size. give me the black ones, please. 2. who was that man? 3. do you remember those students from spain we met in britain last year?
1. Is it not far from helsinki? 2/ Is there warm tomorrow. 3.There are over 30000 words in the slavonic languages. 4. Was there cold yesterday?
1. which parts could we divide the world into? 2. into continents and islands, into states and nations. 3. also into finger-users,fork users and chopsticks users. 4. why did people fall into these 3 categories in a mystery. 5. however it was quite true.
1. it will mean that they'll outnumber fork users 2 to 1. 2. finger users'll predominate in much of africa. 3. to the way after 3 centuries , most of western europeans'll still use fingers and thought of the fork, which'll come from the east as a decadent things.