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“Believe in miracle”

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19.11.2007 в 01:02

Доктор, доктор, я где-то подцепил толерантность!
Кажется, так )

Mary was seventeen. Her parents had died in a car-accident three years ago and she lived with her grandparents. The girl attended an ordinary school and tried to work in the bar just around the bend of her school. She played drums and double bases. It was difficult, but she tried to earn her living, because grandparents didn’t understand her, she wanted to leave this home for a long time - что это значит? О__о. Mary often quarreled with them and could not listen to their lectures how she should live. She dreamed about her own home and life, but what could she have in her age? Unfortunately she had nothing.
One day the girl found the courage to look for a room. She looked through a newspaper and marked out suitable variants with a point pen. Day after day she was looking for, but she could find nothing appropriate.
Her situation was hopeless, but the miracle happened. She was ill and went to the pharmacy to buy the medicine, when she was waiting for her time to say a casual caller began to speak with her and ask why Mary was so sad. They had a friendly conversation and the girl knew that this woman was a producer of a rock-group and a mistress of a rather big flat where Mary could get a room if she really were a talented musician. And this girl was lucky, she was accepted for this organization and after this day her life completely changed.
19.11.2007 в 13:04

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Ичиго сука Личность ,значит что она хотела уйти из дома.
19.11.2007 в 14:37

Доктор, доктор, я где-то подцепил толерантность!
Running on Waves
Тогда просто she wanted to leave home )
19.11.2007 в 17:42

Нет счастья, равного спокойствию...
Ичиго сука Личность,да я так и написала.не знаю,это я тогда стормозила что-то.
19.11.2007 в 19:27

I'd say "at her age..." instead of "in her age"
lectures + "as to" + how she should live
"...to begin her quest for a room..."
"...she spent day and night in search..."
"she knew" = "she found out" or "got to know"
"the girl was lucky to get accepted to this organisation..."
"as she was waiting her turn..."

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