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13.04.2010 в 18:22

Песни не отменить. Лета не избежать.
Anyyone, just anyone of us is capable to make world a bit better. I learned it from, say, a story of Charlie Simpson, a boy who raised more than 210 000 p. for Haiti earthquake victims and rode through Downing on his tricycle. However, many people are reluctant to make difference, to take part in any helping activity - even though everyone, regardless of sex, age, status and all that can make their bid. And the best part is one bid usually starts a long chain.
We have many charity organisations around the world, with International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRS) being the most famous. We could notice its large-scale help to Saada warfare victims in Yemen, including supplying more than 400 families who lost their houses with essential goods.
The base and backup for organizations like Red Cross are ordinary people with ordinary problems, various occupations and concerns, but united in their will to help altruistically.
We can name many of those whose status or profession made them famous enough for effective charity. We have (все эти странные люди), and even renown princess Diana - she was involved in various anti-landmine campaigns, as well as anti-AIDS actions, earning public respect.
The most vivid example of civic consciousness would be Gavroche from the novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. He took care of fellow street kids and stood up on barricades, being killed by national guards while collecting bullet cartridges for rebels.
The man who commits even a single act of grace and altruism makes a step toward new, much more humaine world - a world to live in.

Как-то так. Но лучше перепроверьте, я лажаю с артиклями.
13.04.2010 в 18:48

Модо, и снова спасибо огромное)) очень выручили)

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