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The rescue of Mr. Toad

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03.05.2009 в 01:00

Stretch your legs, but don't get them pulled.
Once upon a time, at the beginning of the summer, Mr. Badger

better: as

didn’t pay
had never paid

at all; actually

serious undertaking
rather hard job

anywhere, even

work of rescue of Mr. Toad
work of rescuing Mr. Toad

learnt from trustworthy
learned(they hardly ever use 'learnt'), the article

would get
was going to get

at the moment,
at that moment, (comma)

И вообще, это предложение слишком длинное для английского. И немного запутанное. Разбейте.

He was right Toad
better to put 'that'

try a new car

but friends stopped it
the friends; stop what?

Mr. Badger had a long conversation with him in order to explain Toad his misguided conduct.
replace 'him'; "in order to" can't be used here. Use "the purpose of which was to ..."

He became
Who is that "he"?

and recognized his behavior as a wrong one
OMG. and realized he had behaved in a wrong way

but after that he turned to a backsliding animal very soon
but shortly after that he turned into a backsliding animal

started enjoying

Mr. Badger became angry, and animals decided to live at Toad’s place till he would
comma; animals decided to move to ... until he yields ... (What that "yield to their persuasion" was supposed to mean?)

in spite of shouting abuse at them,
of his (shouting at them/abusing them/swearing at them); comma

went to walk and the Rat stayed

Mr. Toad was cunning and pretended
As Mr. Toad was cunning, he pretended

The Rat was innocent, he believed and left him for some time
The rat was really gullible, and therefore believed, leaving him alone for some time

В общем: много проблем с запятыми и с длиной предложений. Английский - не русский, не нужно делать кальку.
Затем - неразбериха со временами и с тем, о ком, собственно, речь.
03.05.2009 в 17:06

Нет счастья, равного спокойствию...
спасибо.сейчас посмотрю.
03.05.2009 в 17:35

Нет счастья, равного спокойствию...
serious undertaking
rather hard job

work of rescue of Mr. Toad
work of rescuing Mr. Toad
yield to their persuasion - поддаться уговорам
in spite of shouting abuse at them,
of his (shouting at them/abusing them/swearing at them)

нужно использовать именно те выражения,которые были использованы у меня.Они из самого романа.И мне нужно было использовать именно их.
А так большое спасибо!
На пунктуацию,если честно вообще внимания не обращала,так как готовила текст для устного выступления.
03.05.2009 в 17:43

Stretch your legs, but don't get them pulled.
A girl with a maple leaf
Не за что :) Только мне те выражения очень резали глаз.
03.05.2009 в 17:45

Нет счастья, равного спокойствию...
это уже к Mr.Grahame
книга то не новая,вот и резали.я думаю.

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