мне нужна срочная помощь в подготовке к экзамену.
у нас ужасные топики и еще плюс надо в теме ответить на странные вопросы к этим топикам. буду очень благодарна если вы поможете))
1. Jobs, qualities, advantages and disadvantages of different jobs.
читать дальше1. What ate the benefits of having a job while studying? What are ihc drawbacks? Do you have personal experience?
2. Do you agree that young who don't know much about computers will have я hard lime finding jobs? Wiry?
3. What do you see yourself doing in 10 yeas time? What are you aiming for in your carrier as a whole?
4. Which professions would you associate with sense of achievement, job satisfaction, high salary? Why?
5. What do you tiling might be the main advantages and disadvantages of being a boss, an accountant, a businessman? What qualities and qualifications are needed?2. Clothes and fashion
читать дальше1. Do we often judge people by what they are wearing?
2. What can clothes tell us about those who wear them?
3. What does our choice of clothes depend on?
4. What kinds of people do not always have a chance to choose Iheir clothes?
5. What role do clodtes play in your life?
6. What kinds of clothes do you prefer wearing? What influences your choice of clothes? Would you prefer wearing expensive designer clothes or would you like to keep your personal style? Do you follow the latest changes in fashion?
7. In what way can clothes reveal a lot about a person's life, character and status?3. Appearance and character desсription
читать дальше1. If you want to describe a person what would you speak about to give an overall picture?
2. Speaking about physical appearance what kind of details would you bear in mind and in what order would you present them?
3. Speaking about personality and behavior why is it necessary to give a balanced combination of good and bad qualities?
4. What features pf character do you consider attractive in men/women? Why?
5. What features of character do you find most disgusting?
6. What are the features of character you like in your parents (best friend)?
7. Whal arc your best features of character & what features would you like to get rid of?4. Compare & Contrast two cities: Moscow and London
читать дальше1. Do you like traveling? Where did you go last summer? What struck you most?
2. Compare the lifestyle in Moscow and in your town. Whal is your town like?
3. Compare the spirit of London and Moscow.
4. Compare the lifestyle in London and that of Rome. Paris, etc.5. Places to visit
читать дальше1. Why do people like traveling, visiting countries, places, sights?
2. What are the most popular tourist destinations?
3. What are thev tamous for? Why are they popular willi tourists?
4. What are most famous landmark in London (Moscow)?
5. How has l-ondon (Moscow) changed for the last years? ft. What types of holidays can you name?
7. What kind of equipment do you need for different kinds of holidays?
8. Why do people complain when they arc on holiday?6. Describing a place you can't forget. Types of holidays. Complaints.
читать дальше1. Have you ever been aboard?
2. What types of holidays do you prefer? What kinds of places do you like visiting?
3. Did you like you last trip? Where did you stay? Did you have any complaints?
4. Would you I ike to come back to place you liked most? Why?
5. Would you prefer to live in a village or a city? Why?
6. If you were to choose now would you go to Thailand?7. Types of stories/films you like/dislike
читать дальше1. Why do some people consider reading books boring and other thinks it's the most interesting occupation in the world?
2. Whatkindsofbooks(if any)do youngsters (teenagers) prefer reading? Why?
3. What books do you think worth reading and why?
4. What books do you avoid reading and why?
5. What makes a book exciting and popular with readers?
6. What role do the characters, the plot, the original ideas & situations & events described play to make a book a success or a failure?
7. What kind of information can you find in the blurbs?
8. What book you've read lately will you recommend your friend? Why?
9. What were your feeling (emotions) when you started reading, in the process and when you turned the last page'?8. Human Error Disasters
читать дальше1. What human error disasters do you know,'
2. What are the main causes of these disasters?
3. Could these disasters be avoided?
4. What are the consequences of road accidents, car crashes, plane crashes, fire, explosion, shipwreck, oil slick?
5. How to prevent these disasters? What measures should be taken?
6. What types of injures do you know? What accidents cause them?
7. What kind of accidents do children cause?
8. What other minor accidents may happen with people?
9. I Tow to prevent thern?
10. How can people survive In different disasters and accident? Give examples.9. Natural Disasters
читать дальше1. What kind of naniral disasters are the most dangerous?
2. What kind of natural disasters to your mind cause the greatest damage?
3. What are the causes of volcanic eruption (earthquake, hurricane, flood, famine, drought, avalanche)?
4. What are the consequences of volcanic eruption, earthquake, hurricane, flood, drought, avalanche?
5. Whal measures are taken to rescue the victim of natural disasters?
6. What survival measures do you know?
7. What preventative measures can be taken to survive?10. Survival techniques.
я вам помогу ответить на вопросы.
когда у вас экзамен?
в понедельник.
ого, поздно вы спохватились))) сделаю все, что смогу.
готова тоже помочь чем смогу (ну только если это не ингл и матан)
спасибо, конечно, помощь мне уже не нужна - уже сдала сессию))))
спасибо, конечно, помощь мне уже не нужна - уже сдала сессию)))) поздравляю )) уверена что успешно)
но если какая нить помощь в области - достать / записать сериал или музыку - обращайся)) почему-то с этим у меня пробелм нет
но если какая нить помощь в области - достать / записать сериал или музыку - обращайся)) почему-то с этим у меня пробелм нет
спасибо)) приму к сведению.
Jobs, qualities, advantages and disadvantages of different jobs.
1. What are the benefits of having a job while studying? What are the drawbacks? Do you have personal experience?
Having a job while studying has certain advantages. First of all, you will get useful experience which can help you choose your future profession. What is more, if you are studying far away from home having a job is a great chance to try earn a living by youself. Finally, working while studying you will learn new skills and learn such traits of character as hard-working, punctuality and responsibility.
On the other hand, there are some serious drawbacks to having a job while studying. The most important one is that having a job may influence your marks and progress in studying. Moreover, if you work after classes you will come home late and have little time for your homework. Last but not least, working will affect you social life greatly both at home and university as you will always feel tired and exhausted.
As for me, I don’t have personal experience of working while studying yet. But I should say that I plan to find a job connected with my future profession. It’s not an easy task though, but I believe that everything will work out.
2. Do you agree that young who don't know much about computers will have a hard time finding jobs? Why?
I am absolutely agree with this statement (that young people who don’t know much about computers will have hard time finding a job).
To begin with, if young person don’t know much about computer he misses a great opportunity to find a job with the help of the Internet that provides a wide range of specialized sites. Furthermore, nowadays practically every organization requires that employees should have computer skills as there are some daily routine that is connected with working on the computer.
3. What do you see yourself doing in 10 yeas time? What are you aiming for in your carrier as a whole?
Хмм…на этот вопрос я не могу ответить, ибо не знаю вашей специальности. Можете попробовать написать сами или написать на русском, а я переведу на англ.
4. Which professions would you associate with sense of achievement, job satisfaction, high salary? Why?
These is a wide range of professions nowadays that can provide a sense of achievement, job satisfaction or high salary.
Personally, I associate a job of scientist with the sense of achievement. For me there is nothing compared with the feeling when you make a very important discovery and invent a new device that will, probably, greatly improve peoples’ lives.
When I think about job satisfaction I cannot help but mention the profession of a doctor. These people everyday save lives and cure from various diseases.
As far a high salary is concerned, there are a lot of jobs nowadays that can provide high salary. For example, a businessman, an actor, an estate agent, etc.
5. What do you think might be the main advantages and disadvantages of being a boss, an accountant, a businessman? What qualities and qualifications are needed?
To be a boss, you need to be patient when you deal with personal, hard-working because you have a lot of paper work, then a boss should be tactful, especially when there are negotiations with partners.
If you are an accountant, you should be attentive in order not to mix something or make mistakes and you should be patient because the work of accountant is tiring and sometimes boring.
Finally, the profession of a businessmen requires being a communicative, educated and enterprising person.
Преимущества и недостатки написать не успеваю. Дела. еще две-три кину через пару часиков.
1. Do we often judge people by what they are wearing?
Yes, we often judge people by what they are wearing though “clothes do not make the man” as the proverb says.
2. What can clothes tell us about those who wear them?
Often by looking what a person is wearing we can judge about his income, social status, profession and character.
For example, if a person wears uniform we may suggest what his occupation is and that he is heading for work.
3. What does our choice of clothes depends on?
My choice of clothes depends on the situation, my mood and weather.
4. What kinds of people do not always have a chance to choose Iheir clothes?
The staff of large companies do not always have a chance to choose their clothes because of “dress code” – certain rules that an employee must obey. Also some companies require uniform which means wearing clothes of certain colour and cut.
5. What role do clothes play in your life?
For me clothes is the way to express my feelings and to attract attention. So when I am depressed I wear dark colored clothes, on the contrary, when I am cheerful and feel good about myself I wear so bright coloured clothes.
6. What kinds of clothes do you prefer wearing? What influences your choice of clothes? Would you prefer wearing expensive designer clothes or would you like to keep your personal style? Do you follow the latest changes in fashion?
I prefer wearing jeans and different shirts and pullovers because I feel confident and comfortable.
The most important factor for me that can actually influence on my choice is the situation as my outfit should be suitable, for instance, if I need to make a good first impression going on the job interview, I will wear a formal suit.
Speaking about the choice between an expensive designer clothes and my personal style, I would prefer to follow my own feelings and taste, as the clothes by the famous designer is often too expensive and sometimes impossible to wear in the ordinary life as it looks too unusual.
I try to keep up to all changes in fashion, but I always decide for myself what tendencies to follow and it they suit me.
7. In what way can clothes reveal a lot about a person's life, character and status?
какие-то вопросы неинтересные в этой темке((( так что не оч много получилось. можно в инете посмотреть еще топики на тему clothes...
да, тема жуткая... но все равно спасибо. очень классно получилось. я бытак ни за что ответить не смогла
да ладно...
1. If you want to describe a person what would you speak about to give an overall picture?
If I want to describe a person I know I will start with his name, surname, age, I will tell how I met him and continue describing his appearance, what kind of clothes he likes to wear then, of course, I will pay attention on the traits of character of the person I am describing and his hobbies and interest. At the end I will say what I like the most about the person.
2. Speaking about physical appearance what kind of details would you bear in mind and in what order would you present them?
3. Speaking about personality and behavior why is it necessary to give a balanced combination of good and bad qualities?
у вас, наверно, есть учебник, по которому вы занимались – лучше посмотреть туда. Ибо эту часть я уже забыла напрочь(((( - хоть и учусь на факультете иностранных языков…
4. What features of character do you consider attractive in men/women? Why?
I consider that the most attractive features of character both in men and women are sense of humor because it helps to get though difficult life situation and honesty, in my opinion, it is the base of all relationship.
5. What features of character do you find most disgusting?
To my mind, the most disgusting trait of character is cowardice when a person is afraid to make decisions and bring something new into his life. Cowards are such kind of people that can let you down at any moment so they are not reliable. Moreover, they always search the way how to do better for themselves and they are sly people.
6. What are the features of character you like in your parents (best friend)?
My parents are kind, sensible, wise and loving people – that I like the most about them.
7. What are your best features of character & what features would you like to get rid of?
As I see it my best traits of character are hard-working, kindness and tactfulness. I would like to be more responsible and less stubborn.
я учусь по Энтерпрайзу 4му, там ничего похожего нет ни в studentm, ни в grammar ни в work book (((
честно редкостно бесполезный учебник(
Энтерпрайзу 4му
хмм... я тож по нему училась в 11ом. в отношении вопросов 2 и 3 там должны быть ответы, хотя бы приблизительно. насколько я помню, в 1ом или 2ом юните затрагивается тема внешности
честно редкостно бесполезный учебник(
бывает и лучше, конечно. но все не так уж и плохо, на самом деле)))
З.Ы. а я то чувствую, что-то знакомое
Speaking about physical appearance we should start with height (of medium height, tall, short), continue with build (well-built, muscular, skinny, fat, stout, slim, slender, fragile, thin, graceful), and then describe face (eyes, nose, hair, etc)
фффот))) какой у меня сегодня продуктивный вечер - стооолько всего вспомнила))
фффот))) какой у меня сегодня продуктивный вечер - стооолько всего вспомнила)) у меня тоже отличный - я столько всего узнала))))
спасибо огромное)
1. Do you like traveling? Where did you go last summer? What struck you most?
Of course, I like travelling as it’s a great way to escape from everyday life problems, lean something new and meet new people.
Last summer in July I went to St. Petersburg for two weeks with my parents to visit my aunt. The most striking impression for me was a walk a long the embankment of the Neva river. The sky was clear, the sun was shining and it was warm. There is no words that could describe the grace and beauty of the heart of Petersburg at that moment.
2. Compare the lifestyle in Moscow and in your town. What is your town like?
Хммм… не знаю, в каком ты городе живешь… накатаю отвлеченное…
Life of people who live in Moscow seems to me stressful, tiring, you always need to hurry in order to be in time everywhere. In my home town life is not so stressful, you can let things rip and don’t worry that you will miss something or be late for some important arrangement.
3. Compare the spirit of London and Moscow.
Берется текст в начале второго юнита, если не ошибаюсь, оттуда выцепляются черты лондона. А о Москве придумывается или сходное, или противоположное.
4. Compare the lifestyle in London and that of Rome, Paris, etc.
странные какие-то последние два вопроса…
но 4ый вопрос непонятен всей группе((
1. Why do people like traveling, visiting countries, places, sights?
People like traveling because they want to learn more about different cultures and countries, to expand their outlooks. What is more, travelling is also a great way to escape from everyday routine and meet new people, make new friends. Finally, when people travel to foreign countries they want to brush up their English.
2. What are the most popular tourist destinations?
To my mind the most popular tourist attractions are Pyramids in Egypt, Big Ben in London and the Eifel tower in Paris.
3. What are they famous for? Why are they popular willi tourists?
Ну это просто вопрос. Можно в инете за пять мин топик найти.
4. What are most famous landmark in London (Moscow)?
Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. The Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral are masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture. The main Kremlin tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become the symbol of the country. On the territory of Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower, the Palace of Congress, the Tzar-Cannon and the Tzar-Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. St. Basil's Cathedral was built in the mid-16th century in memory of the victory over Kazan. There is a legend, that Ivan the Terrible blinded the architects Barma and Postnik, because he didn't want them to create another masterpiece.
5. How has l-ondon (Moscow) changed for the last years? ft. What types of holidays can you name?
Moscow has changed greatly in the last years. Modern skyscrapers and new subway stations are being are built. А дальше ничего придумать не могу, ибо в Москве не живу(
Types of holidays точно есть в учебнике во втором юните, кажется.
7. What kind of equipment do you need for different kinds of holidays?
Тож в учебнике.
8. Why do people complain when they are on holiday?
По этому вопросу в учебнике есть аудирование. Вот что я помню: People complain when they are on holidays when living conditions in the hotel do not conform to what they has been offered by the tour company. When people spend their holidays outdoors camping they complain that there were a lot insects and no modern conveniences available.
1. Have you ever been aboard?
2. What types of holidays do you prefer? What kinds of places do you like visiting?
3. Did you like you last trip? Where did you stay? Did you have any complaints?
4. Would you I ike to come back to place you liked most? Why?
5. Would you prefer to live in a village or a city? Why?
6. If you were to choose now would you go to Thailand?
вот это уж слишком простая тема… не возражаешь, если я не буду на ней останавливаться?
если все-таки нужна помощь, скажи с какими вопросами трудность))
ок. тогда осталось три темы: с ними какие проблемы?
1. What human error disasters do you know?
Car accidents, fires, plane crashes, train derailment, etc.
2. What are the main causes of these disasters?
Playing with matches, somebody leaving a stove, an iron on – fire
Speeding, drink driving, driver falling asleep, careless driving – car acc.
Drink driving, driver falling asleep – train derailment
Mistake of the dispatcher or pilot – air crashes
3. Could these disasters be avoided?
Yes, if special measures will be applied.
4. What are the consequences of road accidents, car crashes, plane crashes, fire, explosion, shipwreck, oil slick?
Death of people, injuries, air and water pollution
5. How to prevent these disasters? What measures should be taken?
Control of the state of equipment, physical examination of drivers.
6. What types of injures do you know? What accidents cause them?
7. What kind of accidents do children cause?
8. What other minor accidents may happen with people?
9. I Tow to prevent thern?
10. How can people survive In different disasters and accident? Give examples.
последние вопросы полегче и они, по-моему есть в учебнике, в одном из упражнений
к сожалению, больше ничем больше помочь не могу - ни сил, ни времени
удачи завтра!
я обязана просто всем чем только можно)))
тем более что вопросы не требуют заученных ответов